Friday, December 28, 2007

Miserable weeks......

What a miserable Week..!! All these day just playing, watching, Doing bored things.
Even In the X'mas Eve, at least go some of my fren(guy only) celebrate.We went to 1U to watch Movie(National Treassure2:Book Of Secret), by that time i saw alot of people jamming to go to The Curve celebrating X'mas eve by watching the Show : Flower in the sky(Fire Works). Luckly the movie was long enough.^O^ if not, the rest of the time, cant imagine how are we gonna do to make the time pass. Sweat ah..!!! Seeing all people in the couple for their X'mas celebration. sigh... On the X'mas that day more horrible... Alone in the room, playing the guitar, exercising the song(爱我别走).

The meaningful thing i had done is, helping my parent doing the housework for welcoming the year of 2008.Cant wait for hoping going back to cyber, at least got PC to play,surfing,chatting,drama-ing...(i cant live without you, my PC).

1 good news that made me quite happy and 放心 is....tada... My uncle(PTPTN) had bank in money to me...Yahoo..!!! Hoping my holiday will be happy..!! haha.!! For now my, i need to tie on my study... Hoping this trimester can pull up my CGPA in order to get back to my target(3.0)..-.-" Gambateh..My dear Ed..You must do it..!!

Well see you all again..!! Need to get back for my study 1st..later wanna go yam cha..!! Ciaoz...!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's not important anymore....

For now, I'm feeling tired,hot temper, and abit moody for some reason.Is it because of the basketball game just now or.... other things had made me like this.

Since the problem from some of my good friends, we haven't make up our mind to planning how are we going to celebrate our X'mas eve. So i'm now having decision to make is whether follow my parent to having a japanese buffet or follow my gay partner(my roommate) to go some other place to have a celebration, or going out with my Brothers(secondary best friends). But all the decision i have to make in under 1 condition...I'm so damn POOR already...!! No more money left to spend...T_T because of the TUITION FEES of MMU(money minded university).Moreover, my Uncle(PTPTN) haven't pay me money to spend...

It's been long ....i haven't go back to my home,my parent seems miss me alot...sometimes my father called me sometimes my mother do...So i make up mind to going back home in this weekend, to accompany my parent.

I think i have to stop dam tired already...Lazy to write..^^
Well then...Good night Ed..!!
Dreams make people more tired,so hopefully dun dream.
But sleep tight...!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007



不知道她怎样了呢? 昨天临晨,她已搭飞机到香港去旅游了。真替她高兴,难得有这几回去玩,散散心。而我就这能有这些的"忙"来陪伴我!!一天又一天的,不知道这份思念是否会渐渐地.....淡...

还是去睡一觉吧!明天还得上课呢!!!晚安了! Edwin.!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

没有Pypy的 第9天.....

今天,我们全家人(Cyberia Housemate) 一同去 KLCC 的 PC Fair.遇到了很多朋友,就连以前吉兰丹的同学,都有遇到,真是有缘... :p 我们在那里呆了整整五个小时,才回到Cyber.很高兴地,我买了一个新的滑鼠。^^ 好累哦!! 一回到家,洗完澡,就上床睡了,到了半夜才醒。然后又去跟朋友去打篮球...哈哈!!真是血气方刚.


Friday, December 7, 2007

没有Pypy 第7天.....

今天是EET2026 的midterm考试。 幸好有一位"资深高"的朋友教我。但还是很紧张,不会做:怎么不能办呢?不过最终考完了,还是回去"打机"。 哈哈。。!! 今天的天气.....啊!!!真舒服,从早上。开始下雨直到晚上....还是下着雨....是一个非常适合"冬眠"的时候.....!!


Monday, December 3, 2007

没有Pypy 的第四天.....

今天,已离Midterm 考试越来越近了,也是时候开始温习功课了。读书我的最恨。t(-.-t)..!! 但觉得讲师所教的课,已忘了。咳.....很闷啊!!!


没有 Pypy 的第三天....

在周末的两天,几乎没睡多久,睡的时间只在下午。过的不只难过,而倒霉,打篮球还扭到了脚。 咳.....今天是第三天,心情虽有点平服,但偶尔还是会想起以往的开心事。"是这样的啦...!!" 我对我自己说。就让时间冲淡吧.!一年半的时间,就这样过了。好快,好快!但现在的时间,却感觉,很慢,很慢!

Saturday, December 1, 2007


终于,我说出了我的决定,这是我目前为止最难说出的决定。第一次感受那么痛苦的抉择,带一点罪恶,与伤痛地心离开了她。距离到底是一个问题吗...? 有了距离就有了空间;空间太大了,又容易产生误会。 要如何才能拥有一样的目标,怎么样的心态,来面对这远距离的关系?是要放纵,严管来维护这关系?很多很多的问题,都需要经过才能领悟,为何需要这样呢?今天的问题实在太多了..!!! 问题多了,又觉得厌烦。 这就叫做人生吗?? 考验?还是哲学?
我的舍不得,就只有你的笑脸,温柔,声音,与你共度的时光, 一个非常棒的阶段。 这阶段的结束,也代表着另一个阶段的开始。真心祈求,你会要好的下一个阶段。真的谢谢你。。!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007



Wednesday, November 28, 2007



Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Let's get it started...!!

Today , what a day could i call..? Bored,sadness,annoying. Whatever it is... what a "wonderful" day.Dota for whole day long. Gammer gay...^^ what else i can do..?Contradiction.
The boredness had made me created a new blog for myself. swt... -.-" That's my day..!!